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Tango Encuentro

Under the patronage of the Municipality of Orta San Giulio, the seventh edition of the ‘Orta Tango Encuentro’ will take place: we will dance at sunset time in front of the enchanted waters of the island of San Giulio, in front of the Broletto palace, in Piazza Motta, in one of the most beautiful villages in Italy .
The musical selection will be provided by our own Maurizio Soldà.
The official photographer will be the dearest Sergio Giunipero.The event supports the activities of the ‘emisferi Musicali’ association, which deals with music for educational and therapeutic purposes, so the entrance fee is €10 to be donated on site.
The event will take place on the public square, there will be around 100 chairs available, and no reservation is necessary.
A linoleum track will be laid on the flat pavement. Bring comfortable, sturdy shoes
Information at 3388372327 or 3895726464
We look forward to seeing you all!

Translated with (free version)

How to get there

Locality: Piazza Motta, Orta San Giulio , Novara


Category: Music and concerts

3 august 2024

Ingresso gratuito

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Casa Ortensia with garden

CASA GIULIANA with private garden


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